Service Plane Target Proxy Microservice

Log ID Level Message Cause Remedy Impact
21000 Fatal Failed to initialize microservice Microservice failed to launch Report issue to Extreme Networks support Agent Target Proxy Microservice is unavailable
21001 Error Target Proxy Agent P4 Initialization Failed, err=%v Init failed Report issue to Extreme Networks support Target Proxy Operation on P4 may not work
21002 Error Failed to check P4 PipelineReady, err=%v Pipeline ready Report issue to Extreme Networks support Target Proxy Operation on P4 may not work
21003 Warning Pipeline is not ready. Retrying Pipeline ready Report issue to Extreme Networks support Target Proxy Operation on P4 may not work
21004 Error Error: Failed to delete from hardware : %+v %v Hardware table programming Report issue to Extreme Networks support Egress ACLs for Target Proxy do not work
21005 Error Error: Failed to insert to hardware : %+v %v Hardware table programming Report issue to Extreme Networks support Egress ACLs for Target Proxy do not work